Dr. Strangelove (Peter.Sellers@war.room.gov) has joined channel #devbase
[21:53] <Dr. Strangelove> !bb /dev/hackathon_v2019.03
[21:53] <basebot>
[21:53] <basebot>      dP    8                 dP 8               8          w   8                
[21:53] <basebot>    dP  .d88 .d88b Yb  dP   dP  8d8b. .d88 .d8b 8.dP .d88 w8ww 8d8b. .d8b. 8d8b.
[21:53] <basebot>   dP   8  8 8.dP`  YbdP   dP   8P Y8 8  8 8    88b  8  8  8   8P Y8 8` .8 8P Y8
[21:53] <basebot>  dP    `Y88 `Y88P   YP   dP    8   8 `Y88 `Y8P 8 Yb `Y88  Y8P 8   8 `Y8P` 8   8 
[21:53] <basebot> 
[21:53] <basebot>  version info:         v2019.03
[21:53] <basebot>  geolocation:          /dev/base
[21:54] <basebot>  ddate:                Prickle-Prickle, Confusion 48, 3185 YOLD
[21:54] <basebot>
[21:54] <basebot>  announcement of next /dev/hackathon
[21:54] <basebot>    (July 13th, 2018)
[21:54] <basebot>  rule added: everyone is welcome!
[21:54] <basebot>  rule added: the base will provide shelter, infrastructure
[21:54] <basebot>              and fun for free
[21:54] <basebot>  rule added: there are no rookies, only masters-to-be
[21:54] <basebot>  unique selling points 'Mate supply' and 'nice people'
[21:54] <basebot>  installed
[21:55] <basebot>
[21:55] <basebot>  please contact your local /dev/base administrator
[21:55] <basebot>  in slack or via eMail (orga [AT] devbase.org)
*** Dr. Strangelove has left channel #devbase


version info v2019.03
geolocation /dev/base
date 2019-07-13 13:00:00


We define Hackathon in a very generic way.
It's an event at which we solving problems together in teams.
The outcome can be a pice of software, a prototype for hardware, or knowledge for the attendees.


To be defined


Because we can and it's fun!


Everyone is welcome!
Don't be afraid if you have little or feel you don't have enough knowledge.


The base will provide the network, a room and Mate.

We suggest you to:



We ask you kindly to tell us when you plan to attend.
Tables, network, drinks, … must be prepared.

Just give us a heads up.
Please contact your local /dev/base administrator in Slack or via eMail (orga [AT] devbase.org)