CC := gcc CCFLAGS := -mtune=human-readable -masm=hackerspace-cookbook hackerspace-cookbook: meeting $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) meeting -o hackerspace-cookbook meeting: configure dependencies @echo "meet up at " >> meeting @cat configure >> meeting @echo ", answer questions from " >> meeting @cat dependencies >> meeting @echo ", record important stuff" >> meeting .PHONY: dependencies dependencies: @echo "room available? [yes/no]" > dependencies @echo "everyone read Design Patterns? [yes/no]" >> dependencies .PHONY: configure configure: @echo "Time and Place? everyone: [...]" > configure
To build a new hackerspace you need a team. This group of people has to discuss and agree on some points.
Here is a structured list of topics to get you started.
We used a very similar list to found /dev/base
The initial team should be familiar with the concept of a hackerspace before the first meeting.
Here are some useful links to bring everyone on the same page: