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This is an old revision of the document!

root@localhost# nc -z -w1
     dP    8                 dP 8               8          w   8                
    dP  .d88 .d88b Yb  dP   dP  8d8b. .d88 .d8b 8.dP .d88 w8ww 8d8b. .d8b. 8d8b.
   dP   8  8 8.dP`  YbdP   dP   8P Y8 8  8 8    88b  8  8  8   8P Y8 8` .8 8P Y8
  dP    `Y88 `Y88P   YP   dP    8   8 `Y88 `Y8P 8 Yb `Y88  Y8P 8   8 `Y8P` 8   8  
  version info:            v2018.01
  geolocation:             /dev/base
  exploitation ddate:      Chaos 6, 3184 YOLD (Gregorian Formatting: 2018-01-06)
  shell-access granted, starting terminal:
user@devbase# dmesg | grep hackathon
[    3.300358] /dev/hackathon: PUBLIC MSG: announcement of next /dev/hackathon
                                           (January 6th, 2018)
[   21.304513] /dev/hackathon: NEW AGENDA: we will be hacking vulnhub-images
                                           ranging from easy to intermediate
                                           (maybe even a hard one, we will see)
[   22.449528] /dev/hackathon: opened vulnerability stream
[   67.004982] /dev/hackathon: rule added: everyone is welcome!
[  132.773600] /dev/hackathon: rule added: the base will provide shelter, infrastructure
                                           and fun for free
[  184.228272] /dev/hackathon: rule added: there are no rookies, only masters-to-be
[  274.927450] /dev/hackathon: unique selling points 'Mate supply' and 'nice people'
user@devbase# register --user myself
registering service not started, please contact your local /dev/base administrator
in slack or via eMail (orga [AT]
user@devbase# quit
  Looking forward to seeing you at /dev/hackathon v2018.01
events/2018-01-06.1511561920.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017-11-24 22:18 by n00ne