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More information will be announced before the event!


version info v2018
geolocation /dev/camp
begin 2018-07-20 13:00:00
end 2018-07-22 18:00:00
duration 53 hours
available spots left 5


We want to do a multi day event in the base.
Enjoy the time in the country side of Bavaria with other fellow Hackers and BBQ.


Not defined yet
CFP is open. If you want to present you project or an interesting topic in the base please reach out to us.


Because we can and it's fun!

The biggest challenge is the location.
There are no hotels around, haven multiple people in the base for days will make it impossible for people to sleep there.
The challenge is also our biggest advantage. We have space around us.
Bring your tents, your sleeping bags, and your computers


Everyone is welcome!
We want to combine technology and a short vacation.
This event is for you if you like to

  • like camping
  • enjoy technology
  • spend your vacation in front of a computer


The base will provide the network, a room.

We suggest you to bring some the following pieces:

  • bring your Laptop
  • tent
  • sleeping bag, sleeping mat
  • camping chair and table
  • lights
  • everything else you would bring to a camping vacation


  • Be excellent to each other
  • Have fun
  • Aliens welcome!
  • the House Rules do apply to the whole event


We ask you kindly to tell us when you plan to attend.
Tables, network, drinks, … must be prepared.

Just give us a heads up.
Please contact your local /dev/base administrator in Slack or via eMail (orga [AT]

events/2018-07-20-22_camp.txt · Last modified: 2018-07-08 07:56 by trinitor